“Photography has become so easy that a lot of students don’t realize how phenomenally difficult it is.”  


In a world of Instagram, Hipstamatic and the iPhone, will anyone remember how to use a real camera in ten years? Do they actually realize how much blood, sweat and tears go into creating a beautiful photo?

The convenience and quality of the iPhone camera is arguably too good now, meaning young people don’t understand the pain of film. Do you remember losing a roll because you didn’t mount it right? I do. They will likely never experience that, meaning photos don’t have the same value.


Now read this

Smashing through the media hype: iPhone 5s fingerprint reader not really “less secure” or “hacked”

This morning the media fear machine is swirling with the news that the iPhone 5s fingerprint reader has been “hacked” by taking a high resolution image of the user’s prints. Before we go any further, watch the video above. The group... Continue →