Windows 8 tablets aren’t really tablets  


Great piece by Alex over at The Next Web on what the Windows 8 tablet form factor is shaping up to be. It seems like Microsoft’s specifications politely suggest OEM’s should include a easily disconnected keyboard, and at a guess, that it should fold around and protect the screen when not in use. So far, every single manufacturer that’s unveiled a tablet provides a screen with the device.

What’s more interesting, is that this essentially binds Microsoft’s position that their tablet OS be a landscape-only affair. Metro applications – so far – don’t seem to offer a different layout for when the tablet is rotated into portrait, very similarly to the experience in Windows Phone. It’s not a bad move necessarily, just a by-product of a OS that scrolls across rather than down.


Now read this

iOS 8 moves the smartphone to the centre of computing

Apple’s WWDC this year was monumental, but not because the company redesigned OS X or released a shiny new version of iOS. It was a game-changing unveil because Apple has finally acknowledged that the centre of computing now revolves... Continue →