Thoughts on legality of accessing Netflix outside the USA

There’s been a lot of discussion over the last few days on the legality of accessing Netflix in New Zealand by using unblocking tools. Earlier this week, the major content license holder – SKY – stopped an ISP from advertising its services which allow region unblocking on the TV network.

There’s been lots of back and forth over the legality of doing so based on our current, vague laws and if you could be caught. It’s ridiculous.

Essentially, it’s a grey area.

Here’s my thoughts on the matter and why I’ll continue to use these tools to access things like Netflix and Hulu:

I’d be happy to hear from any actual lawyers on their interpretations of this, but that’s pretty much where I stand.

If Sky and other content providers are so scared in New Zealand, perhaps they should suck it up and build something the people want rather than just aggressively attempting to strangle those that deliver services people desire.

My plea to SKY, TVNZ and other content holders in New Zealand is this: Instead of insulting our intelligence, work with people to understand why they use these services and build something better.


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Too busy consuming to create

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