I’m starting a tech newsletter, designed to save you time


I used to blog about tech here a lot, but I’ve been thinking for a long time that I would like to do something more personal instead.

I spend almost all of my spare time reading articles online and looking into how they came about, but haven’t been passing any of that knowledge on outside of my Twitter feed.

I’ve decided to start a simple newsletter called Charged which will be a weekly ‘too long, didn’t read’ roundup and analysis of interesting happenings/trends in the tech industry. I know you’re busy, so I want to help.

The type of stories will vary wildly, but it’ll always be entertaining, easy to understand, concise and worth your time. I promise. If you’ve liked what I share on Twitter, then you’ll love this newsletter. I’m not interested in click-bait.

This is something new for me (and I’m terrified!), but I’m hungry to be better informed about what’s happening in tech as well and to share that with other, like-minded people.

I’d love it if you gave it a shot and joined me on this crazy adventure;

You can sign up here; I promise it’ll be worth your time. I won’t email you more than once a week. #

The first newsletter will go out this weekend. This idea was inspired by my friend and colleague Jon Russell at The Next Web, who runs a great newsletter for Tech in Asia.


Now read this

iOS 8 moves the smartphone to the centre of computing

Apple’s WWDC this year was monumental, but not because the company redesigned OS X or released a shiny new version of iOS. It was a game-changing unveil because Apple has finally acknowledged that the centre of computing now revolves... Continue →