Eternally disappointed by batteries


I feel like my life is an eternal cycle of “Hey, maybe that new phone will have a great battery life!” ….And then finding out that it actually only lasts like, five hours in the real world. I might be a heavy user, but it seems like the only company who’s gotten battery to a point where it’s something you don’t need to worry about too much is Apple.

Right now, I’m waiting for the Lumia 920 to see if the story there is something different… but I’m trying to not get my hopes up too much. That said, I don’t think it could get much worse than my HTC One X.


Now read this

Don’t be a fanboy. Open your mind.

I find it pretty hard to hold myself back from taking a dig at people who swear by a particular brand of products. “I only buy Apple” or “Windows is the only platform I’d ever use” is enough to fill me with a fit of rage. If you think... Continue →